Thursday, August 18, 2005

My writing skills are going to pay off!

So I'm getting my haircut yesterday and I'm just eavesdropping on my stylist's conversation with another stylist.

"Don't let me forget, we need to find a writer and a videomaker!"

(at this point, my curiosity and my ego get the better of me and I jump in)

"I'm a writer."

"You're a writer? Perfect! We need you to write the application for us to be on The Amazing Race! And we need you to write a letter to Oprah for us!"

"A letter to Oprah?"

"You know, whenever they do one of those best friend shows, you know, people who've known eachother forever? Well, we've been best friends for 12 years and we've never had a trip that was just the two of us for fun, we've always had the husbands or the kids or it's been for work. We want Oprah to bring us to Chicago for a little fun vacation, and we need you to write the letter!"

How could I refuse? The woman did have the fate of my hair in her hands, after all.

So in a couple of weeks when I go in for a trim, I pick up the application and fill it out for her and her friend. If they make it on the show, I'll tell everyone that it's my fault. If they don't, I may get a bad haircut...who knows?

So we got on the topic of reality T.V. shows and decided that since Survivor was the ultimate reality T.V. show, they needed to revamp it so it'd be couples Survivor. You couldn't vote off one person without voting off the other and I bet there'd be some pretty dramatic scenes...and if they're couples, they wouldn't mind splitting the million dollars. I figure Josh and I would be a shoe in if they ever decide to do that. Josh would be the big competition but I'd be quite the weakling. It'd be interesting to see what would happen. Plus, I wouldn't mind a month on an island with my husband...

Anyhow, I figure if I get the girls on Oprah they can wear my jewelry for some pretty high profile advertising. I bet I could live off of making jewelry for the rest of my life if my jewelry line became one of Oprah's Favorite Things...Oh well, it never hurts to dream big!


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

First off, happy late birthday! Second, I will call you soon. I got busy on Sunday and just haven't gotten the chance. Third, Nate's sister does well selling jewelry there. She goes to trade shows and has this little website,
Just a thought if you want to get serious.


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