Monday, July 18, 2005

Wonktastic Weekend

So Charley and the Chocolate Factory was everything I hoped it would be and more! Depp delivers a hilarious and outstanding performance as a chocolatier with exceptionally cavity-free teeth (will wonders never cease?) and I need to see it again. I didn't quite catch the Nightmare Before Christmas (TNBC) reference that I'm sure has to be in there somewhere...good excuse to go see it again! The movie was, however, very Burtonesqe, esp. the puppets.

Other excellent movie news, Burton is coming out with his second stop-motion animated picture: The Corpse Bride. I'm very excited and this promises to be another TNBC, which is my all-time fav. I love Burton's twisted mind and his artistic style is right up my alley.

There were a few other trailers that looked like really good movies, but I was so excite by the Corpse Bride that I can't remember what they were.

After our trip to the movies Friday night, Josh and I attended the local Potter Party at the mall. We didn't have any kids, but it was fun to see all the kids running around in their witch/wizard costumes and we then watched the worst magician I've ever seen. There was an entertaining man who was giving the magician the whole MST3K treatment, so that was rather entertaining. He left about halfway through, though, as his 6 mo. old was getting cranky.

Other than that guy, the highlight of the show was when his flowers fell out of his sleeve. I think this guy got into magic rather late in his life, so I admire the effort. He was kind of funny in a Mr. Magoo sort of way.

Saturday Josh and I got to spend the whole day together, and took a little jaunt down Main Street to check out a liquidation sale at a jewelry store (my idea, of course) and I did end up getting a very pretty pair of earrings. Josh was talking to the security guard on duty, who happened to be the MST3K guy from the night before. It turns out he owns a little cafe on Main Street (with fabulous Italian Sodas, I might add) and just lets his flunkies run it while he's hired muscle/repo man. He just decided that he was board and that job sounded fun. Within a short time he was promoted to head repo man, and so when he's not guarding jewelry stores, he's (legally) stealing cars. He tried to recruit Josh because, well, Josh is just a big guy. I was looking at jewelry during this part of the conversation, but apparently MST3K/Security guard/Repo Man would rather shoot Josh than fight him if it came down to violence. I was rather disturbed by this...

Anyhow, the rest of the weekend was just relaxing and full of lots of nap time, and reading a little Harry Potter to boot (went to Costco and bought it first thing in the AM on Saturday. No crowds, no line, it was amazing, and 50% off list price!) I waited to start it until Sunday night, though. I'm also currently reading The Two Income Trap, as recommended by the Lanes, and finding some very insightful things that are surprising, but make total sense once you think about it. I'm just glad that I don't live in California or New York or one of those other places with exorbitant prices on crummy houses. So, I'm following in Madeline L'Engle's footsteps by reading one book for fun and one book for education.

In upcoming excitement, for enrichment our R.S. is going to one sister's cabin on Bitterroot Lake tomorrow for fun on the water and just plain ol' get-to-know-you time. I think I may just enjoy this! I'll keep you updated!


At 6:25 PM, Blogger Tovah said...


I read your comment on Opinionistas weblog and loved every word you said. Being an at-home wife and mother is just as or more worthy than what some of these self-absorbed whiners have become. Good job Lindsey!

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Aaa!!! (I just wrote a wonderful response and hit the wrong key and lost it all!! Rrr. Let's see if I can remember it!)
We waited to watched Charlie (is it really "ey"?)with the kidlets this weekend after we watched the first movie. I'm old. The kids are definitely modern kids. It was the music that clarified this. I still have the "old" songs running through my mind - they stick a little better.
As to the Nightmare references... what about the holiday chosen being Halloween? The Perma-Grin Brace-Face is also reminiscent of the Mayor, if memory serves. Yes?
I do want to see it again, though so that I can better absorb the things I know I missed. Tim B movies require 2 watchings at a minimum, I think - at least.
Looking forward to more updates from ya kiddo!
Luf you.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

It's been awhile, are you alive?


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