Friday, July 15, 2005

Movie Review

My Favorite Things #5

Movies. I love movies. I'm especially excited because tonight I get to see the combined efforts of my favorite director, one of my favorite actors, and one of my favorite authors combine to re-create a classic: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The reviews have been good, as I expect anything directed by Tim Burton to be, and I can't wait to see how Depp interprets the rather insane Willie Wonka. Word to the wise: look for The Nightmare Before Christmas element in the movie. Jack Skellington has made appearances in Planet of the Apes and Sleepy Hollow, and the ringmaster in Big Fish was rather reminiscent of the Mayor of Halloween Town--especially with that tremendous top hat!

I think I like movies, especially Tim Burton's, because they are an escape into a fantasy world. The forest here in Montana will never house hidden doorways into Christmas Town or Halloween Town and the local Avon Lady will never find a man with scissors instead of hands, but I can see my wildest dreams in vivid reality, and trust me, I have some wild dreams. So, your assignment: Your favorite movie and (here's the important part) why? No two or three word answers people, put some thought into it!


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

When have you known me to limit myself to only 2-3 words? There's a reason I'm known as "Sas"(ee). I like lots of movies, too - and it's hard to pick because I'm so easily entertained! I've learned I don't care for Brittish Sci-Fi humor too much (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was okay... I'd have to be WAY over-tired and silly and hyper to really enjoy it thoroughly). But you know what always comes up on top for me? Walt Disney's Animated Robin Hood! Yes - I did get the DVD, afarid that the Video would conk out before my life was over. I just can't not sing "Oodilahlee, gollee, what a day!" with the twang, drawl, and crackle in what's 'is name's voice. And in my regular repetoire is, "1 O'Clock and Aa-hll's we-ell!" Oh, and then there's, "Mind yo mannos!" or "Til I die til I'm dead!" Still makes me laugh!
K! Another one in my archives of Favorites - that I actually remember - Joe vs. the Volcano. I love the silliness, the stupidity, the surrealism, the symbolism, the sincere prayer of gratitude, and the ebb and flow of the romanticism. Plus I watched it with my best friend in college a few times and we loved it together.

Now I'm going to have to watch Planet and Sleepy Hollow. Odd I haven't seen those... I do see the Mayor and Ringmaster relationship. (You do know I do have the Nightmare movie, and got the music for it, right? St's the fan - but the kids & I like it just as well. It's an annual tradition for us to watch along with -oh, yeah! Another Favorite! - Ernest Saves Christmas!)
So I did have to go and get the orig version of Charlie on DVD. I wish my Ch enjoyed it more - he might enjoy the new one more....especially if we take him to it at the theater - which I'm seriously considering.

Is that enough verbosity for you?
'Nuff said. (2 words).

At 10:33 PM, Blogger brohammas said...

no thought needed..."The Power of One" hands down. Only one big name and if its gonna be a big name Morgan Freeman is a cant lose choice. race relations, history, boxing, and prep schools... whats not to like? I like movies that are about something and don't treat the auduance like little kids who need every little detail spelled out and explained. That was the beauty of "Million
Dollar Baby" every time it could have gotten stupid with a flashback sequence or some cheesey dialoge(blogs need spell check) to explain what characters are thinking...they went a different direction. Hurray for Clint Eastwood, who by the way is by far the best tough guy in movies.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger Amberlynn said...

"What Dreams May Come," is my favortie sad movie. Sad, but also not. I love its exploration of living, and death, people's ideas about the same, the depth of love, the risks of love, family, creating our reality, and certainly most of all the imagination and visual beauty involved. Flying through a magical flowery world, that is actually paint!!??! Wonderful!

My newest favorite is "Alice through the looking glass." I also just saw "Danny Deckchair" and enjoyed it, but it's certainly not a favorite, I just needed to give it a plug.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you playing? It has got to be THE COLOR PURPLE. It has some of the best one-liners..."aint cold nuff", "it's gone rain on yo head", "you shol is uglay". The story is a triump of the human spirit. Yes no matter how cliche and it has an important message of meekness and service as a truley important attribute. Also a close second is the Power of One and Clueless. Clueless is a classic. The dialouge is hilarious."Don't tell me Josh is giving you crap again, because he's going through his post-adolescent idealsitic faze". The characters are so far fetched while still being accessible and in some sense very true. And Cher pronouncing Haitians- "Hate-ians" was a delicious mistake that they left in!--Kay, of course


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