Here's a fun link I like to browse through in my spare time, it's the phobia list!
Today's phobia:
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.
There's an interesting topic: Fear. Why are we afraid of weird things like cotton balls and sunflowers? I myself am afraid that I may jump off of something very high, i.e. the balcony at Symphony Hall, the Grand Canyon. I don't know why I experience the urge, but last time I was on a plane I wanted to jump out the window so I could see what the clouds feel like. Apparently they're cold and icy and when you're falling really fast (as you would when you jump from an airplane) all that ice is hitting you in the face and it's not so fun. I just think it'd be kind of fun to fall really really far. Hitting the ground doesn't sound so fun...
So, what're you afraid of and why?
My Favorite Things #3
Shopping, but not for pants.
First off...
I am afraid of dying in a volcano. I don't have any idea where the fear came from there aren't any here. But, I may move one day...
One of my favorite things is shopping too. But, even if it is the for pants.
Another favorite the dots...
I'm also afraid of jumping from tall places--not falling, but having a sudden and complete lapse in judgement and JUMPING.
I'm much more afraid of pushing. I've never felt like jumping...
Yellow, remind me NEVER to be in a high place with you. I know that you've sometimes had urges to kill that annoying little brat that hangs around you all the time and just won't quit laughing when you're trying to choke her...;P
I'm not afraid of the jumping - I just really don't like my stomach being left higher than me head! I have seriously considered sky diving. I'm more on Yellow's terms with the pushing, although I haven't had that urge for a long time - but mine is using my vehicle as the tool. I have scared myself with the urge of rear ending my car into the one in front of me to send it off the cliff, or just driving my own car off the side (going straight instead of taking the curve). But my true phobia is getting mangled in a car wreck... I once even had a tiny panic attack while St was driving thinking we were going to crash into construction cones even though I knew perfectly well that we were just fine! That was pretty freaky.
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