Friday, October 06, 2006

Thoughts on Motherhood

So a friend recently drew my attention to the fact that I have skipped a couple of months without an update. There are a few factors involved in this, one of them (of course) being my state of upcoming motherhood. Also involved is the fact that I have sent (a couple) emails, and couldn't think of much to say on blogger that wouldn't be redundant. Also contributing to the lack of posts was the fact that my computer was homeless. We gave our old computer desk to my SIL so our computer was on the floor in my back room (the only room with a phone jack for our internet connection) waiting for my husband to get a chance to crawl underneath the house to run a phone line to the kitchen where a gently loved new-to-us computer desk awaited the arrival of it's new occupant. So, my computer's been sitting on the floor for a month, and I'm too preggers now to sit on the floor and try to type.

So, I thought now that my computer has taken up residence in it's new desk, I would finally write a few of my scattered thoughts on impending motherhood down.

First of all, I learned a couple of facts about pregnancy that really shocked me:

1. I have 50% more blood in my body right now than I would if I wasn't pregnant
2. My brain has literally shrunk 8% in size.

PREGNANCY ACTUALLY CAUSES WOMEN'S BRAINS TO SHRINK!!! It regains it's normal size 6 mo.s post-partum, but it's still crazy to think that my brain is tiny right now! It sure explains a lot...just ask my boss! I've been making a ton of stupid mistakes lately. Now I have a really good excuse!

So, although I think I'm fairly emotionally prepared for motherhood, I do think that I do have on some rose-colored glasses. This is the first time that I won't be working since I've been married, and I keep thinking that I'll at least have time to vacuum and sweep regularly. However, from what I've read and heard from somewhat reliable sources, I'll have even less time than I do now, at least for a while, and I'll be trying to function while being severely sleep-deprived. hmmm, I may be in for a little bit of a wake-up pun intended.

My biggest fear is that my dear husband will be even more shocked than I at the lack of time that I have. I think he's really excited for me to stay home and he has visions of Betty Crocker making sugar plums to dance through his head.... I know he'll adjust quickly, and I probably don't give him enough credit, but I'm still nervous about the whole thing.

At this stage, though, despite the fact that my nursery is still little more than a room in which to dump my junk (help!) I'm quite frightened by the prospect of labor and delivery. I know mentally that I shouldn't be. I know that, if I choose it, I can have pain killers that will significantly reduce the pain and ease the whole process. I have doctors that I really trust. I know that all my sisters and my mother have had relatively quick and problem-free deliveries. I know that women have been doing this for centuries and come out the other end still breathing, but it still scares me!I also know this is a natural feeling for me and that everyone will do everything they can to take care of me and alleviate my anxiety, but it's still a big thing.

And the last thing: quit touching me! I know what a temptation it is to touch a pregnant woman's belly, but that does not mean that I'm going to touch the belly of a complete stranger in the grocery store! Honestly people, BOUNDARIES! If anybody finds a t-shirt that says 'touching by invitation only', please send it to me. I'm not motivated enough to make one myself.


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Angela Killpack said...

I think most, if not all of us, who have been prego before all felt the way you do right now... and then you seem to feel the same about some of them the 2nd time around.
You'll do fine. You and Josh are going to be great parents!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Thanks Ang, sometimes that's the best thing to hear. It's just hard to get my shrunken brain to believe it ;)

At 5:32 PM, Blogger brohammas said...

It may seem even harder to believe, despite being true, that little sisters already have a 10% smaller brain than thier older male siblings. Now this would either make said sisters pregnant brain 18% smaller than average....or... normal sized since said brother is a genious with an abnormally large brain, as is evident by his huge head and talent for spelling.

At 8:49 AM, Blogger The Olson Family said...

Hugs to you! The whole delivery/postpartum/new mom thing was harder and scarier than anything I've ever done--and yet I can't wait to do it again. It's absolutely worth it. You can do this! :)

I found this shirt on CafePress and thought of you: Maternity Shirt
Hee hee. . .

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Ummmm, isn't an enlarged brain what autism is? So, that makes my brohammas with an abnormally large brain an idiot savant?

At 5:43 PM, Blogger brohammas said...

Just because you can spell savant doesn't mean you aren't one. Besides would an idiot savant say witty and intelligent things like:
"I know you are but what am I?"?

You love the double ? don't ya?

At 9:12 PM, Blogger momila said...

So, having had 5 babies would mean I have lost 40% of my brain activity?? No wonder I feel so stupid! Seriously, you'll be fine. And people can't help touching your belly, it's like they just see it and go "wow, there's a baby in there and I have to feel it" it's weird and it happens all the time and you can't do anything about it. I know if I saw you I'd be poking at you, too. Sorry. Anyhow, you'll get thru the labor & delivery and be talking about your "next one" within days. Trust me. We have short term memories for this kind of thing.(It's the brain shrinkage)


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