Bun in the Oven
So everyone should know by now, and if you don't it's because you didn't call me back! I'm pregnant! This should come as no surprise, Josh and I have been married nearly four years. We both have wonderful families who don't do the pressure thing, so it makes it easy to put these kinds of things off until the time is right. We are due November 13th, and are very excited that Mom and Dad will be home from Germany then to come see baby. And, other exciting news, Josh is finally qualifying to be a driver for UPS! This will (hopefully) allow me to quit when the baby comes. Wish us luck!
Wahoo! Does Josh being a driver mean he'll be gone for days at a time? :(
Do you have the kind of job you can take your baby with you if you need to?
I will most likely quit and be an at-home-mommy, and no, Josh will be home every night!
Keep your blog updated with baby bump pics. Let us know what the sex is when you know. Gee, I am bossy.
Congrats! It is a fun time, and even better once they are here. :)
Congrats. . .I'll do my best to restrain myself from pelting you with unsolicited pregnancy and parenting advice. ;) But I make no guarantees. :P
When do you get to see picks of the baby bump?
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