Monday, September 17, 2007

Life Symbols

So I stumbled across a blog called The Happiness Project The Happiness Project which I highly recommend. Recently, one of the posts encouraged readers to start their own happiness project and to pick a symbol to represent themselves, an avatar of sorts. There was a link for a site which listed universal symbols and their meanings here:

I was wondering what one symbol could represent my life right now and what universal and individual meanings it holds. I eventually settled on a sapphire to represent myself and my happiness. According to the symbols sight, it represents intuition and premonition, both of which I rely on or experience frequently. It's also the stone in my wedding ring, so it represents my marriage, eternity, faithfulness, loyalty, and relationships on a personal level.

The primary color of a sapphire is blue, although sapphires can be nearly any color (except red--then it's a ruby) including different shades of blue, white, pink, purple, orange, and yellow. All of these colors have various meanings and symbolism, but blue is very diverse in and of itself. Blue can symbolize loyalty, honesty, knowledge, and confidence. Blue can be a calming color or a depressing color. Blue is a natural color and surrounds us on every side from the sky and the water around us. There's even a bird native to Australia and New Guinea called the Satin Bowerbird that will steal anything blue(including shotgun shells and baby binkies) to decorate its bower and attract a mate. Blue is quite the color, if I do say so myself.

So here's my question for all three of you readers out there (if there are more of you, speak up!), what avatar or symbol would you pick to represent yourself and why?


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Amberlynn said...

Where's the site explaining what symbols mean what?

Also, I'm pretty sure I told you about The Happiness Project... but if I can be your source for stumbling across things. Wait - this could turn into an unfavorable metaphor. So, I'll stop.

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Gretchen Rubin said...

Hello Lindsey! Thanks for shining a spotlight on The Happiness Project, I LOVE your idea for the symbol of the sapphire -- also liked your idea of calling it an "avatar" -- I'm trying to figure out what to call such a thing. Personal symbol sounds boring.

I'm so pleased to have discovered YOUR blog. Now I'm off to dig into your archives! be happy, Gretchen

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Here's the link, Amber:
I tried three times to get it to show on the post, no luck.

At 12:06 AM, Blogger The Olson Family said...

Shoot, "diaper" wasn't on the list. ;)

Actually, I'm really taken by the first item mentioned on that site: an acorn, to represent great potential. That's what my life's work is about: I raise my kiddos with an eye toward what they will become. I work on myself in the hope that I can gradually grown into something better than I was a month, a year, a decade ago. I fell in love with this house because of what could be done with it. And then there's the cuts of fabric and skeins of yarn that I feel compelled to carry home from the store and stow in my craft room--looking at each of them I can envision some grand new *thing* to create. Me and my big ideas. . .yep, it's all about potential. :)

And now suddenly I want to go crochet an acorn. . .

At 1:28 PM, Blogger momila said...

What an intriguing idea...I am at such a crossroads in my life, my kids are all grown up (or at least making the efforts, in one case) and I am no longer needed by them-so I find myself wanting to spread my wings an fly elsewhere--does that shock you, my babies? I find myself discontent with my house and my same old grass and gardens. I want to create and travel and forget all the pain and stress of the last years and go far, far, far away. Is there a color for that? Maybe the blue of the sky or the ocean just as the sun sets--but as I cannot go anywhere for a long time I can only dream. I will continue to muse on this..perhaps I am an emerging butterfly which has just now broken loose of the cocoon? Let my wings stretch & dry and see where I may go....

At 10:38 AM, Blogger hmk said...

I think I might be a ball of yarn. for the most obvious reason, because i love to knit, but also because i like to have fun(like a cat with a ball of yarn), and because my life is a ball of yarn-all twisted up in fun patterns and colors. Yep.

At 1:15 PM, Blogger Corinne said...

Hi Lindsey,

Your sister Amber found my blog through my sister Jennie and so I went to Ambers blog to find you!. Don't you just love blogs. Congrats on the baby. How exciting. My first pregnancy was definentaly my best so enjoy all the aches and pains and because you will look back and wish for them again when you are carrying number three... Yep due in August with our third little girl. Check out my blog to see what we have been up to since high school. Do you love Montanta? We live in MA but my husband has a crazy fantasy about living where you live Kalispel Montana! Don't ask me where he got the idea from, he has never even been there, but he would move there tomorrow if he could. At least we would be little closer the family in UT. Anyway good to "find" you again.

Corinne (Craven ) Johnson


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