Thursday, August 30, 2007


What would Momma say?

I just ran across a fun post at Rocks in my Dryer ( all about the parental catch phrase. My life is so replete with these mommisms that I thought it deserved its own post instead of just commenting on theirs, and I'd love to hear what the rest of you remember our Momma (and dad, I guess) saying to us.


Listen to what I mean, not what I say!

In response to whining about aches and pains: Ohhh, poor baby! Shall we cut it off?

Oh, cussword!

Patience, Prudence.

In response to requests for transportation: You got legs.

In response to an I love you: I love me too. (one of my absolute faves.)

And I do remember once, when I was very small, getting the dadism: don't cry or I'll give you something to cry about! And I believe that led to getting something worth crying about, namely a spanking.

What do you remember your parents saying that you plan on using or already do use with your children?


At 11:52 AM, Blogger brohammas said...

"The only reason I had you was to lift heavy boxes and reach the top shelf."

I love you, go feed the dogs.

Happy birthday! Now go do the dishes.

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Amberlynn said...

dadism: be good be happy

and: Well *I* remembered your birthday. I told people about it at school all day.

Momma: "Spider, spider on the wall. Ain't you got no sense at all? Don't you know that wall's been plastered? Get off that wall you dirty spider."

and: Sorry about forgetting your birthday. Can't remember everything you know.

oh: happy birthday, ugh. happy birthday, ugh. There is sadness in the air, people dying everywhere, but happy birthday, ugh.

At 6:25 AM, Blogger brohammas said...

How bout Mom's standard

"close your eyes, I'm coming in"

when she barges into the bathroom while someone else is taking a shower.


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